EJ's Product Design Portfolio

Academic Citations

Instead of giving students A+’s, professors at Dartmouth will give out “citations” of academic excellence to students who have gone above and beyond in class. During my time at Dartmouth, I received the following academic citations.

This citation is for excellence in mechanical design and design execution in the ENGS 76 term project.
— Mechanical Engineering, Professor Laura E. Ray
This citation is for outstanding performance in all aspects of the course, especially for creative design and strong engineering skills in the term project
— Sustainable Design, Professor Beniot Cushman-Roisin
A citation for excellence throughout the course: active participation in class discussions, high quality assignments, and creativity and attention to detail and beyond expectation in the term project and presentation.
— Industrial Ecology, Professor Ulrike Wegst
EJ earned this citation because of his outstanding performance in all aspects of the course and, especially, for asking so many excellent questions during classes. Those questions have added much to the lectures and have spurred others to ask questions, too.
— Environmental Engineering, Professor Beniot Cushman-Roisin
Eric (EJ) has been one of the most enthusiastic and engaged students in the class, contributing questions and comments every day. The depth of knowledge he has achieved is demonstrated by nearly perfect quizzes, exams, and papers
— Ancient Egyptian Culture (just for fun!), Professor Virginia R. Herrmann